Feve Nativities from France
Have you ever celebrated the Epiphany with a King Cake? These adorable little ceramic nativities, known as feves, are from France. Each year a French family will bake the baby Jesus into a cake. Whoever gets the slice of cake with the Christ Child in it is crowned king for the day!
Creating a Tradition:
Each day, bake one piece from the nativity for dinner, dessert, or any meal that could hide it well. When the piece is found, talk about that person’s role in the nativity story. You might ask questions about what that person might have felt, thought, or experienced as they went to see the Christ Child. Add the piece to the nativity until all pieces are found. A word of caution: chew carefully!
Food safe for baking.
Measurements: pieces 1″Â to 2″ in height.
Made of ceramic.
Made in France.